can a leopard kill a silverback gorillastonebrook neighborhood

April 10th, 2023 | Comments Off on can a leopard kill a silverback gorilla | most fragrant roses for southern california

A lion would not stand a chance against tiger. In a fight all that matters is who has the largest courage. The gorilla wouldnt stand a snowball chance in hades against any of the above mentioned animals nor could one beat a Jaguar. You are right a tiger would not stand a chance against a lion although a battle between this two beast will be very tough ,most likely lions are going to win because they have much greater stamina in battle than tigers ,tigers only outweigh lions with just 10-20kg which is not an advantage over a lion, dont be stupid man how even imagine a gorilla would win a lion,OK first of all a lions bite force is 650psi the lion tested was just a subadult,and even still it was not biting with its maximum strength even national NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WILD states that lions and tigers have around 1000psi of bite force, when full grown,thus given the strength,agility,speed,weaponry and sheer killer instinct of a lion,the gorilla stand no chance I mean not even snow ball of chance against a lion , keep in mind that lions are experience and very good fighters, a small female bear wins vs a male tiger see: Some gorillas have been recorded moving over 20 miles per hour. The neck of a gorilla is a small target that is well defended by their large muscular shoulders. A Silverback is stronger than any bear, any lion or any tiger, Google is literally free. First bears are kinda like tiger/lions just not as agile but they make up the difference with size and strength. Theyve actually had tigers fighting lions do your research, tigers kill lions easily. Also the lion wouldnt immediately go for the neck but first disable the legs. In contrast to eastern gorillas, western gorillas live at lower altitudes, about 490 to 5,200 feet above the sea level. Google it if you dont believe me. Only male lions are primarily evolved to fight, so it stands to reason theyd be good at it. Do your research before making assumptions about a lion since you believe the tiger would easily win this battle but the lion would lose. Chimps are cruel cruel cruel animals. A damn male tiger and a male lion. Primarily about chimps, but mentions the findings are inline with other apes. Not saying it would win a lot. A tiger weighs 500 lbs? Tigers have documentary evidence of killing the largest sub species of crocodile and largest bovine ( gaur), rhinos and elephant. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If a human is fighting a gorilla, it could probably tear your limbs or head off or something, but i don't know what it's going to do vs a leopard. WebGorillas are classed as infants until they reach around three-and-a-half years old, and adults from around 8 years. The bottom line here is that the leopards are better assassins, but gorillas are the better warriors. A gorilla would be terrified and make no mistake, a lion would take the victory about 98 of 100 times. identify w/a gorilla(lookin @ urself in the mirror?) But may I just say, a tiger is physically stronger than a lion too. Gorillas are gentle creatures, but why the do fight, its extremely nasty. damn, another fucking lying retard niggerSTFU queerbait. They can't rip off a man's arm, no way. you stupid faggot, you wear boxers with dickholes in the back. It isnt worth it. Hypothetical, if people were avataring a gorrilla and a tiger body and knew they were fighting to the death, the gorrilla would destroy the tiger. They know where the head is. Yep easily, Remember a leopard just like any big cat has 5 sets of weapons, it's front + back claws and it's teeth. Not only have gorrillas been documented lifting and throwing more than 1000 pounds they are estimated to be able to lift up to 4000 pounds. The gorilla would be able to put up a fight and could injure the tiger if he was able to get a bite in, but that would be his only offense. Leopards have a better chance approaching via stealth and when their target isnt a silverback. Gorillas have been shown to have an IQ range between 75 and 95 and possess the ability to understand 2000 English words. When the gorilla bites the leopard they get a puncture and bruising/crushing damage, but they dont rip apart. WebThe habitats of Western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) lay at the western side of Congo river. But the gorrilla is mainly a herbivore that rarely ever kills. Gorillas have been documented lifting over 1800 pounds and throw with a force of nearly 1000 pounds! Imagine paying 4+ years in college and having debt to lie on the internet and write garbage. Leopards have spotted fur that allows them to blend well with the environment, allowing the cat to sneak up and capture its prey. I imagine that if all of you who spout this hatefulness are lions, tigers, gorillas and bears, there is a good hearted rat who could put you all in your place. Leopards have retractable, razor-sharp, and curved claws that can grow around 1 inch. They dont kill to eat and they mostly do displays of dominance With each other where one submit without fighting. In a fight between a gorilla and a grizzly bear, the first thing to note is the size advantage of the grizzly. In captivity, gorillas have been documented showing complex emotions, form family bonds, the ability to use tools, and recognize past and future. If it took the bears back, the bear is done. Gorillas hardly ever fight. If you like this post, you may also enjoy this post: Can An Elephant Defeat A Hippo, Crocodile, Lion Or Rhino In A Fight? Someone knowing nothing about these animals has written it. Maybe not defeat it directly but a leopard totally could easily inflict fatal wounds on a silverback. However, the power of the tiger and grizzly bear are just too much. Now bear vs gorilla? Fuck u retarded lion hater. According to the Guinness Book of Records, one silverback gorilla managed to lift 1,800 lbs of weight. Theres a nice Quora answer here which presents a lot of the evidence that leopards do indeed hunt gorillas: All that nonsense about gorillas supernatural strength is a myth, based on a debunked study of chimpanzees in the 1920s. Polar Bear Vs. Gorilla:Who Would Win in a Fight? Just because of their brute size and strength, gorillas have the advantage in this match. Tigers go for smaller prey similar to leopards although they will tackle water buffalo. Some have been taught sign language and learned to communicate with the handlers. Incredible,you guys are amazing,thanks a lot meet you next time. Male lions tend to be more aggressive because they regularly fight amongst themselves for mating rights. Also they have worse defense than a leopard. Gorillas however do not hunt for food and lack that predatory instinct to kill and that might work against it in a battle with these natural hunters. In the internet forums' "bloodlusted cage match scenario," the gorilla decimates the leopard, and comes out heavily bleeding. Cats are generally not suited for open confrontation. When it comes to sheer size, gorillas have an advantage in a fight as they are around 3 to 4 times bigger than leopards. Lion should take the majority. So if the leopard doesnt get his ambush attack on the gorilla, the gorilla still turns its back on the leopard and is not as fast. The felines are depended on their speed and agility but what good is that if you have to strike an opponent that is bigger has the same reach and a whole lot of ass to chew threw. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". I agree the gorilla is far superior in intelligence and would in all cases, in my opinion, because of that. The reason this matters so much is bleeding. Gorillas are highly intelligent compared to these beast and hulk like strength. Most gorilla quarrels are solved with chest beating and in lots of gorilla troops ex silverbacks are allowed to remain in the troop as elders. If the charging animal isnt killed, they will be stunned/concussed enough to devastate their agility and any ability to fight. Remove the Spider-Man picture first you little fagget. There used to be and I havent checked out recently a number of these fights on the internet, YouTube specifically, were lions and tigers each one fights against one another it just depends. Hahahahaha youre crazy a gorilla would fuck a tiger up so badly. Leopards are big and intelligent felines that feed on meat from multiple animals. Lets not forget pride. Keep in mind a gorilla is not going to chase down and hunt a leopard, so that's the "win" for the gorilla. Strength and ferocity between these two apex predator Big Cats is pretty much equal. Ummm no. The Golden Tiger Is The Third Rarest Animal On The Planet. Gorilla will outpower it but to what cost? Then held down and mauled to death. (The manes are protective in battle.) Actually This Was The Best analysis Ive Read about Animal Fights Very Factual The Tiger Is Nothing to Play With at ALL. Easily. Leopards are natural predators of gorillas and there are several cases in which a leopard has killed silverback gorillas. The lion isnt surviving an attack from that. Tigers jump higher and longer there is documentary evidence of a tigeress swiping a mahout seated on top of an elephant, there is documentary evidence of a tiger snatching a kill from a few crocodiles in a water body. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. If hungry, they can go even faster and reach 40 mph. Can Leopard beat gorilla? When silverbacks are mature, they will often mate with multiple females. From what I am looking at, everyone is arguing over who will be the best animal ever. Kenya: Up Close with Elephants, Rhinos and Big Cats. Gorillas are large and strong creatures that can hold their own in a fight. I also discovered that, their believe system and the raw power make them king of the jangle. They just flail around and lose a lot of their strength. Remember your history. The first to strike successfully wins. Because they cannot. Leopards are also very agile animals this might come in handy in reacting fast and avoiding punches and attacks from gorillas. Silverback Gorillas are one of the strongest and intimating animals on the planet. That 650 psi for lion is nonsense based on nonsense information. Grizzly bears, also known as a North American brown bear, are large bears native to North American and currently inhabit areas in the Northwestern US, Alaska, and Canada. BTW nigga if you happen to drop by this area what superheroes outfit would u parade in? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. A pride is around 15 to 20 lions so one leader means you got about a10% shot of being that guy. This would be very difficult with the lions speed and agility. How do you even question that? It would be a slaughter.,juvenile%20gorilla%20was%20also%20found. Hell, tie a rope to a horse and silverback and the horse will drag the silverback from one end of the planet to the other, water notwithstanding (theyll take a boat). Felines and bears are builtto run down prey, Gorilllas are built like tanks and only ever fight one another for dominance. We will compare the sizes between a gorilla and a leopard, their agility and movement capabilities, their brute strength, offensive, defensive capabilities, and some battle maneuvers and tactics they might use. Can a gorilla punch a lion? Grizzly bears and all other brown bears which are larger than the American grizzly would absolutely destroy gorillas and the Canadian brown bears what did you feed lions and tigers as well unfortunately they are just too big and too strong the largest Tigers would defeat the largest lions but pound-for-pound it can go either way as has been proven on videotape plenty of times although these morons who these hypotheticals never seem to watch the video that exists when these animals are in captivity and face each other. They use them to grasp and hold onto prey. The large primates can lift over ten times their body weight and with the rare exception of a leopard, have no natural predators. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. To anyone saying any of these animals could crush a Male tiger ur dumb, a gorillas natural predator is a leopard and tigers can take on leopards with ease, a Siberian tiger would destroy the north American grizzly no problem, considering it has every advantage possible, and comparing a tiger to a lion? It all depends on the individual. Their fang-looking teeth can cut, rip, and tear tree bark or their enemies like a hot knife cuts through butter. The problem here is that people will ask "can x kill a gorilla" and the answer will invariably be "yes, if these conditions are met", because a gorilla is not an elephant and is not capable if standing in one place shrugging off hits for an hour. That being said, I think the Grizzly would probably kill any of them. Also the gorilla has 1300 psi. Although a silverback gorilla is very fast, quite strong, and has a longer arm span, it is unlikely that a silverback could defeat the much larger and faster grizzly bear in a fair fight. Do you still think a gorilla stands a chance against a Lion? Gorilla has little chance against a 100 kg leopard to start with. Largest lions are around 250 very impressive but there is a difference. See Shannon Elizabeth Now at 49. Lions also take down bigger prey including giraffe. And lets not forget your comment about brute strength. Speed is always crucially important in fights. Their strongest sense is smell, but it is not as developed as in other animals. Edit: but yeah gorillas are in my opinion the most combatively overrated animal on this planet. Much respect for big cats and their attributes no matter what the species, but Lions are much-much tougher. They are lucky if they can fight off a leopard. U a bitch ass hide online, you must be a nigger..because you sound like youre stupid as one. Lets say its the largest recorded bear and weighs 1700lbs, it would still be no easy fight. Its a mma warrior against an assassin. So let me get this straight, a leopard is a natural predator of Gorillas, yet a Lion will lose the fight??? When it comes to movement advantages, leopards can jump forward 20 ft and leap 10 ft straight up very helpful when charging at the prey and sticking claws in its body. I say gorillas are packed for the fight the body mass muscles are uncomfortable.. Tigers ( prime siberian and bengal) are -50kg heavier than lions on avg in wild and 100 kg in captivity, more denser muscles and bone, longer claws,stouter jaws,longer canines,bigger more muscled hind legs,swipe with both paws,their paws are larger,their bite force is almost twice as big for similar jaw size. Someone who happens to be fucking Mickys fat slut of a mother to death giggety giggety, Bro youre absolutely disgusting. A tiger would destroy a lion. It isnt nice to hate on others. They slash the gorilla with their claws and the gorilla bleeds to death. Not only are they strong, but gorillas are also fast. / Andy Rouse / WWF 10. Kodiak Bear Against A Gorilla Who Wins? Now that one is more of a toss up. They usually fein aggression andcharge other threatening animals beating their chests and making noise. Its okay, no one here holds it against you, just stop being such a hypocrite. Thus, a leopard is extremely unlikely to kill a Bear gets tired quickly because of its size. We arent looking at tactics. People think deer are peaceful but during the rut they will charge you and everything else they see and they do it for months straight. therefore all lions are not only experienced fighters but also experienced hunters. WebSome of the animals that could fight a gorilla include a leopard, a tiger, a lion, and a hippopotamus. There are no scientific studies saying gorillas can lift a 1000kg etc. Despite being the smallest of big cats, pound-for-pound, leopards are the strongest cats in the world. 10 Days. The leopard stalked up on them at night when they were sleeping, bit off their testicles, and severed their large arteries. Gorillas can also bite with an incredible 1300 pounds per square inch, twice the force of a lion, which is enough to crush a human skull like a grape. When it comes to bite power, a gorilla has almost 4 times stronger biting power. Gorillas most effective weapons the weapons they use when fighting are their teeth. If you wanna use numbers. Thats a good question i would like to think the gorilla just because of its superior intellect but the grizzly has almost the same strength and is bigger. Lions, tigers and bears are all bigger and stronger than gorillas and able to kill gorillas. The grizzly is also faster than the gorilla, but they stand about the same height. Gorillas have a lot of fast-twitch fibers that allow them to generate lots of power at once when trying to KO their rival. If you want to say tigers on average could beat lions in a fight that could be true but its still competitive. Game over. The ones you never EVER want to fuck with are chimps. Theres proof of this. Gorillas arent as strong as lions, tigers and especially not as strong as bears. Another thing to consider is the Gorillas lacks claws and will be at a severe disadvantage amongst 3 species with the most deadliest sets of claws of any animals. Tigers ( prime siberian and bengal) are 50kg heavier, more denser muscles and bone, longer claws,stouter jaws,longer canines,bigger more muscled hind legs,swipe with both paws,their paws are larger,their bite force is almost twice as big for similar jaw size. Tigers have documentary evidence of killing the largest sub species of crocodile and largest bovine ( gaur), rhinos and elephant. If you actually change your profile pic bc of this, Id get a good chuckle out of that. Tiger is bigger and stronger. can you kill a tiger with your bare handsdoes keegan allen have a child 26th February 2023 / in west warwick viewpoint / by / in west warwick viewpoint / by Thats like saying a cat wins against a monkey. WebAfrican Leopard VS Silverback Gorilla Who Would Win: Gorillas and leopards are some of the toughest and most dangerous animals in Africa. Remember that lions are used to protect their territorium every day, and are breathing fighting machines. You have to have Autism, tigers and bears have equally strong paw swipe force, but a tiger has a stronger bite force, and they get up to 12 ft tall while grizzlies only at like 7 ft. Tiger wins end of story. Leopards are the slowest of big cats, but still hit a top speed of 35 mph. And no, cats are some of the most durable creatures on the planet. Males will often fight with other males to claim territory. I say the Gorilla has all body and size to be champion, but all depends on the gorilla on the night of the fight. Leopards are big and intelligent felines that feed on meat from multiple animals. No! They prefer to stalk first, then circle in closely, and finally attack by charging from behind. Yeah man dont take this dudes crap seriously, must be some antisocial tiger fanboy who desperately battles for his bs to be heard. Sorry factually a tiger will kill any lion any gorilla and most grizzlies as well. Awww were yout triggered by their username? Leopards have an acute sense of hearing and smell, and excellent binocular vision to locate their prey. WebSo, if a leopard can kill a gorilla, a lion can, too. In nature, gorillas stick together in family units specifically because they know they do poorly alone and they can protect each other, so will, yes, the cat can win, the majority of the time it is not reasonable to claim the cat will win. Preach brother. That means that they are on top of the food chain and do not have natural predators hunting them. What a load of rubbish, since when did leopards predate on gorillas ha, ha. Gorillas will easily off a human, but thats about it, in the anima kingdom they are not apex. Cant be a nigger cos they cant read or right..!! Gorilla has no chance, leopards have killed several silverback gorillas in time. BTW a Grizzly could kill a lion, tiger or gorilla. Leopards hunt gorillas, Including adult male silverbacks. If you got a silver back angry I dont think anything could take him down, they rip limbs off, their power is immense. Whenever a group of gorillas is endangered, the members of the group act in a unique way. Some corrections, tigers and lions have approximately same bite force. On the other hand, leopards are apex predators. Comparing the jaw of a silverback to that of an ordinary leopard, the silverbacks jaw is incredibly large and powerful. It could destroy a gorilla, but guys, this all depends on their fighting skills. Tigers ( prime siberian and bengal) are 50kg heavier, more denser muscles and bone, longer claws,stouter jaws,longer canines,bigger more muscled hind legs,swipe with both paws,their paws are larger,their bite force is almost twice as big for similar jaw size. Sorry factually a tiger will kill any lion any gorilla and most grizzlies as well. Even if they put up a fight, they dont rip it to pieces, or throw it into a tree. The gorillas thick neck would make it harder for the tiger to get his kill shot, but nonetheless, it would be an eventual tiger victory. A tiger wouldnt even stand a chance against an adult male. Furthermore, it is bigger and stockier, with powerful forearms that might deliver a lethal blow to the leopard. Bonobos have matriarchs, chimps have patriarchs and for two of the genetically closest animals there are they couldnt live more differently. It also does this while attacking a (weakened) elephant. Leopards have been known to kill adult gorillas from time to time.Answer 2:Gorillas can kill leopards if they grabbed it, but leopards have been known to kill adult gorillas. A tree edit: but yeah gorillas are gentle creatures, but lions are much-much.! Nonsense based on nonsense information also experienced hunters gorilla stands a chance against tiger assassins, but they about! And ferocity between these two apex predator big cats but still hit a top speed 35..., so it stands to reason theyd be good at it webthe habitats of western gorillas at... Advantage in this match are also very agile animals this might come in handy in reacting and... Built like tanks and only ever fight one another for dominance they make up the difference with size and.! Are in my opinion, because of their brute size and strength 1000kg.. 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can a leopard kill a silverback gorilla

can a leopard kill a silverback gorilla

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can a leopard kill a silverback gorilla