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Kathy Cruz pointed out that, according to trial transcripts, one of the doctors said that Damon would have lived a few minutes after the stab wounds, and that therefore, he wouldn't have been alive when the ambulance arrived (you would also have to add Darlie staging the scene, so that would make the timeline even more impossible). Greg Davis: Where is the defendant when you come back to the kitchen area? It was in there that she was given a polygraph exam which lasted six hours, and the Routier defense was billed $1,000 for the exam and consultation fees. At this point Darlie began crying again. (Averages about 3 per year), Source: FBI Stats Data, Dallas News, USA Today, Plano Star Courier, San Antonio Express-News, Amarillo Globe-News. They were a month behind on the house payment and were at risk of losing their home with less than $2,000 in their accounts. They even blame the judiciary laws of the State of Texas. Officer Waddell stated that one of the boys (Devon) was obviously dead, and the other boy (Damon) was close to the wall near the hallway doing what he called "a slow craw" and making gurgling sounds as he tried to breathe. Some even go so far as to invent evidence to support these imaginary theories. (Remember, she was right handed) In addition, several cast-off stains of Damons blood were found on the back of Darlies nightshirt, as would be expected if the knife were swung up to the level of her head in a stabbing motion. So nice to hear from someone that actually took the time to read, research, and examine the evidence prior to making a decision from the heart or from a YouTube video. In doing this they neglect to provide all of the data or information about their position that might countermand what they've written. Darlie Routier is sitting on death row for killing her two young boys, although she has only been officially charged with one of their murders. This blood turned out be a combination of Damon's and Darlie's blood. Here, she's seen in a family photo with the slain Devon and Damon. They are admitting two Project's lawyers to the appeal. Fifteen months after Darlie was on death row, a somewhat eccentric Waco, Texas multi-millionaire, Brian Pardo, believed Darlie to be innocent. Savitch was killed in a vehicle accident 13 years before the boys were murdered. Recent photo of now 51 year old Darlie Routier on death row. We probably will never know. The blood on the couch and pillow is what the Darlie supporters contend prove she was telling the truth about fighting an intruder. Almost nobody believes the "Intruder" theory for many of the reasons discussed, and ALL (not much, not some, not most) of the evidence inside the house points to Darlie. Her youngest son, 7-month-old Drake, and husband, Darin, were asleep upstairs at the time of the murders and, fortunately, escaped any harm. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on July 18, 2018: Error noted and corrected, thank you for pointing that out. It's difficult to accept the possibility of Darlie having planned this ahead of time. Take her superficial injuries, injury locations, and her continuance superficial upkeep in prison for instance. Darin had developed and created his own business called Testnec. In it, the guy asks Stamford about the way the episode portrayed him (looks like the program portrayed him as if the investigator had changed his mind), and that many supporters were asking themselves whether he had changed his mind about Darlies innocence. Prosecutor Toby Shook hammered her with question after question after question that she couldn't answer. They were convinced that she was lying. Please don't think I'm doing this with bad intentions. Darlie Routier is sitting on death row for killing her two young boys, although she has only been officially charged with one of their murders. As mentioned previously, a knife imprint was discovered near Devon's body but from the blood marks around it and lack of spatter marks, it appeared to have been laid there rather than dropped there. Bruises like that don't just come from someone grabbing your arm, they came from striking something. Most if not all of the Darlie support sites are good at using the cherry picking tactic when extracting testimonial quotes from the Darlie Routier case court transcripts. Put their testimony in a timeline. The gate in the back yard had hinge problems. Darlie Routier Net Worth: At the time on her conviction she had some credit card debt and they were behind in their mortgage. This author believes in the strong possibility that Darin may have called Darlie's bluff when she asked for a divorce. The family room was the scene of the crime. Thank you SClemmons for this greatly written article! Bathrooms: 2. You may be privy to this info already, but I made it a point to dig for the validation and explanation. Attorney's for convicted killer Darlie Routier are having old evidence tested again in an effort to try and prove Routier is innocent. She claimed she had been attacked as well. Thank you. (which she may have planned to do) And, if that were Darins intent, or motive, (insurance money) why didnt he kill her? While deliberating, the jury requested to see the video again and a couple of the juror's later stated that they watched it 6 or 7 times. The cabin cruiser had broken down, the Jaguar had also broken down, and they couldn't afford to have them repaired. As obvious as that towel is next to Devon's body, how could paramedic Brian Koschak not have seen it when he checked on Devon? And not simple changes, major changes; Darlie supporters say it's because she was on pain killers and anti-depressants after the murders and it affected her recall of the events. If the defense was allowed the proper time to prepare, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A DIFFERENT OUT COME. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 05, 2018: Magpie 9, one more thought on the utility room. Then cops found disturbing clues that ultimately put her on death row. In the meantime, K-9 officers had arrived on the scene and began searching a wide perimeter around the house; no intruder found. That falls right in line with Dr. Santos' expert opinion of bruising occurring within 24-48 hours. Allison testified that on numerous occasions when she would visit her friend Renee at the Routier home with Darlie there, Darlie would purchase cigarettes for Allison, allowed her to drink Zima coolers, which were drinks containing alcohol, and even allowed her to smoke marijuana in the house. I strongly recommend that you read them in their entirety. Out with the old, in with the new. Please don't take it personally, and again I apologize that this happened to you. 73 (44%) of the sentences are unintelligible and marked so on the transcript. Prosecution: Okay, Officer Wade, you actually told your Chief he couldn't come in? Happy New Year! The following article falls under the Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of The Copyright Act of 1976. Bedrooms: 3. There were knife wounds to Routier's neck, forearm and shoulder. It was not life threatening as Darlie supporters and many documentaries (Including the recent June 2018 ABC feature: The Last Defense) would have you believe. Although attempts had been made to clean the counter top and sink, tests with Luminol revealed blood on the top of the counter in front of the sink and on the floor. The surgeon, erring on the side of caution decided to do a small exploratory procedure to evaluate the laceration. Darlie has always maintained her innocence. And yet here you come parroting this RIDICULOUS Darlie-was-drugged theory that is supported by ZERO evidence, and nobody on the defense INCLUDING DARLIE has made such a claim in 21 years. But she never mentions that anymore like she did 25 years ago in her letters to friends and family while she was incarcerated during the trial. On the back right shoulder of the night shirt was a sole drop labeled TB8. With most of them I inquired as to whether or not they actually had read the trial transcripts to which the majority of them admitted they had not. Darlie's jewelry in plain sight on the kitchen counter. Darlie Routier had no medical certification or training of any kind. You dont hear it often anymore because it's been replaced by the more plausible, but equally bogus, explsnation that it is cross-contaminarion from fingerprinting the knife block. The federal court judge has not yet ruled on those DNA results. Any parent that has lost a child will suffer for the rest of their lives. Darlie Routier denies her guilt. My question is, was he interviewed before the evidence by the four experts was presented to him? Failing to recognize the clarity that this read provides. It's me Camijust wanted you to know that the Facebook pages are hopping after The Last Defense seriessome posters have picked up your blog and everyone is commenting what a great blog it is, well researched and factual. I dont feel that he did the actual stabbings, I think that was all Darlie, but I firmly believe he knows she did it and quite possibly assisted in the staging/cover up process to keep her from being charged. When prosecutor Toby Shook began reading the letters to Darlie while on the witness stand, she asked him: "Where did you get those? 6)not sure if blood on kitchen flood is only darlins. To date, Routier has not been tried for Devon's murder. [sic], A close relative (Name withheld by request). She's committed to that claim at this point, she's on death row; the very moment she admitted guilt her appeals process would come to a grinding halt and a date for execution would be scheduled immediately. ", The Routier kitchen serrated knife used to cut the garage window screen. Granted, I think the earlier programs were slanted more towards her guilt than innocence. Darlie Routier 2021 Information Darlie Routier Women On Death Row SID Number: 05664972 TDCJ Number: 00999220 Name: ROUTIER,DARLIE LYNN Race: W Gender: F Age: 52 Maximum Sentence Date: DEATH ROW Current Facility: MOUNTAIN VIEW Projected Release Date: DEATH ROW Parole Eligibility Date: DEATH ROW Inmate Visitation Eligible: YES Everyone thought our reactions would have been the opposite. The blood evidence, her inconsistent and illogical accounts of what took place, and the letters that she wrote to friends and family are what sealed her fate. The forensic pathologist that conducted the autopsy's on the boys testified that from the nature of the wounds and the force that was used, that it appeared to have been done by someone in a fit of rage. Lol. Is it just me, or do all of these Darlie fanatics seem to not be able to make it out of elementary school? When he started crying she told him he deserved it. Although portrayed as a loving doting mother in home videos, some neighbors and acquaintances stated that they noticed that Darlie had begun to not pay very close attention to the children when they were outside and often seemed aggravated when they were around. Suggested theories as to the causes for the bruises have included the boys kicking with their legs to ward off the stabs. There were no chemicals outside of trace amphetamines found in Darlie's blood, she didn't report feeling hung-over or drowsy when she woke up, she claimed this supposed intruder ran though the kitchen/utility room/garage, yet there were no foot prints/fingerprints to support this having occurred, the 17 minute backyard security light was off when police arrived, the faulty back gate was still closed, etc, etc. Hi Magpie 9, good to hear from you again! Thank you, SClemmons, for your work. They're are dumbass. TB8's stain has a long axis and shows an up and down trajectory. I've always wavered back and forth on Darlie's guilt, but this blog sealed it for me. She literally sealed her own fate on the witness stand. Im also bound rules of evidence and procedure. The problem with all of this is the fact that the physical evidence at the crime scene just does not support the presence of an intruder. This action was also successfully duplicated in the lab with a blood spatter expert wearing a white t-shirt using the actual evidence knife and mimicking a stabbing motion with blood on the blade. What the hell the utility room floor had lots of blood drops on it, Yep Exhibit 38 b is a picture of the utility room floor and bottom of the door. She said Drake's tossing and turning in his crib upstairs kept her awake. *Date rape drug residuals stay in the system anywhere from 8 to 72 hours and would have shown up on her toxicology screen. She mentioned that twice to the 911 operator and four times to the hospital staff. Great article with good information. So, on the witness stand, most likely under the advice of counsel. Then yet a fifth letter sent to her Aunt LouAnn, Shook read out loud: "We know who did this and we're trying to get more on him." I'm by no means defending anyone here, but I do know its difficult to discuss a murder case involving children without emotions coming into play. "My life has been such a hard fight for a long time and I just can't find the strength to keep fighting anymore." Darlie Lynn Peck Routier (born January 4, 1970) is an American woman from Rowlett, Texas, who was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of her five-year-old son Damon in 1996. ", The truth is, when nurse Jodi Fitts removed the bandage applied by EMS in the ambulance, the necklace fell right off of her neck, prior to any surgery. If Darlie's "timeline of events" was accurate according to her 911 call and what she first told police, that light would have still been on when officers Waddle and Walling arrived on the scene in 3 minutes and 4 minutes after the 911 call. Darlie Routier was convicted and sentenced to die for fatally stabbing her 5-year-old son, Damon, in June 1996. Damn, i thought i wasn't that smart, there's some freaking braindead imbeciles living here, whose only purpose of life is to make me free freeking good about myself. Most of towels were scattered around a good distance from the boys. As a long time believer that Darlie could not commit this act, I am now on the states side. Some have said she was a kind, loving, attentive mother, and some neighbors told the local press when interviewed that it was commonplace to hear Darlie scream at Devon and Damon to "Get your asses out of the house," and around 9:00 pm she would go out in the yard and scream "Devon, Damon, get your asses in the house." Darin Routier's business that he started. You got me curious about Malignant Narcissism disorder. Neighbors had begun to gather outside of the crime scene tape. Interestingly, if you look at this group's members, many of them are also members of the "Jodi Arias Support Group." The prosecution even commented later that Darlie was their best witness. Darlie's attorneys should never have allowed her to write letters from jail discussing the case. When in fact there in this case is Zero aspect for the defense at all! Photos . Paramedic Kolbye went to Damon located to the left of the entry hallway in the family room close to a wall and paramedic Koschak went to Devon on the other side of the room at the foot of the couch. They left a knife lying on the then dispatcher Doris Trammell interrupts her and says, Dont touch anything, and Darlie replies I already touched it and picked it up. Also interesting are Darlie's references to the intruder during the 911 call. However, when it comes to this case, Darlie Routier wasn't convicted solely on how she reacted to the deaths of her children, she was convicted on forensic evidence that directly connected her to the murder weapon and the actual act of murdering her children. In this author's opinion, the first red flag would have to be the fact that not once did Darlie ask about her youngest child Drake, or go upstairs to check on him. I'm in the Darlie's guilty camp. I told the defendant to get some towels and put them on the childs back to try to stop his bleeding. (Did they have Photoshop back then?) Then the other group with fewer members, consists of the fanatical supporters. 12)darins polygraph test 13) the 911 call. The prosecution successfully proved that Darlie Routier had the motive, means, and opportunity to murder her 2 children, and the forensic evidence put the knife in her hands. About 3 weeks later after forensic test results on the evidence came back, the District Attorney's Office announced they would be seeking the death penalty and Judge Tolle rescinded Darlie's bail considering her a flight risk. Forensic testing was conducted on this knife to replicate what Darlie had claimed. In this initial version, there was no mention of Damon tapping on her shoulder, or saying mommy, mommy, mommy, or a man rubbing a knife blade on her face as she told Officer Matt Walling and Barbara Jovel. He said, "Lawyers, the professionals, don't go to their clients and say they have the key to the jail unless they can deliver it." A friend of the family said that after the boy's funeral the immediate family and close friends all gathered at Darlie Kee's house. It was between the kitchen and the utility room." These attorneys were rushed, because the State needed a SLAM DUNK quick. The state of Texas allows three appeals for retrial. If she were truly innocent, why isn't she saying "Hey people! There also appeared to be wiped up blood smears on the water faucet and the sprayer as well. I ran back through the kitchen, and realized that the entire living room area had blood all over everything. They found Darlie with wounds on her neck, arms, and shoulder, but her sons Devon, 6, and Damon, 5 were already dying due to their stab injuries. Waddel testified that he immediately looked in the door of the garage when he arrived and there were no lights on in the garage or the back yard. SClemmons is a humble person and I respect his web page rules on language. These photos were taken just hours before she was formally arrested and charged with a double homicide. While on the witness stand Darlie invoked her 5th amendment right not to incriminate herself to all questions asked of her including: "Mrs. Routier, do you love your children? Darlie friend/neighbor Karen Neal testified for the defense that the dog barked at everyone, including family members. And certainly something like this would be something I would expect the nurses to point out to me or to the other doctors before we sent her home. Damon and moved some distance from where he was initially stabbed. There was a torn window screen in the garage, and the weapon, a sharp knife, was found on the kitchen counter. Along with Darlie's own blood on her nightshirt, analysis revealed what's referred to as "cast off" blood droplets. It was now 3 am and the paramedics were preparing to transport Darlie. Awesome article on the case, SClemmons. That's the very reason you have other people in the room in an interview with a potential witness in a legal case. TWO innocent lives lost in a bloody bath people! Just my opinion from what I know about how criminals operate. Darlie and her defense counsel claimed that her bruises, all predominately on the underside of her right arm were defensive bruises where she had fought off the intruder. Police dispatcher Trammell stated that she thought it was odd that someone who's children had just been murdered would make an obvious point of mentioning how their finger prints got on the murder weapon during the initial 911 call for help. The back yard motion sensor light on the Routier's recently added $9,000 redwood spa. She dyed her hair blonde, wore heavy makeup (she still does on death row) had a boob job using the largest implants available (36 EE), bought expensive jewelry, expensive revealing clothes, went to tanning salons, and openly flirted with other men when she and Darin went out, causing friction between them. Anybody that chooses the user name that you chose, on this fourm anyway is a suspected link to the dark side. It's believed this is where she stood and cut her throat and arm. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on December 24, 2017: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you as well Jade and all others that have contributed posts here. After Darlie was sentenced Mulder later stated in an interview, "I always worried about the knife, my biggest problem was that knife. While there has been a lot of activity in the past year concerning the Routier case, nothing has occurred concerning defense efforts to move the post conviction proceedings through the court system, Cooper said. Not at all, LOL. I don't believe Darin immediately helped Darlie stage the scene and concocted the intruder story for her. Prosecution: And when she told you that she had a struggle with the individual, did she indicate to you that morning where that struggle had taken place? The now-48-year-old shares her own. As to be expected, the Darlie supporters claim that their testimony was manipulated by the prosecution. There's a child killer out there on the loose, why aren't you out looking for him? It's just so very difficult to believe this.I cannot conceive of this monstrous actby a mother, for the Love of God!! Ultimately, I went searching for a primarily factual, detailed look at this case. The Episode you refer to in Death Row Stories: Mother V Texas was written in 2013, casted and filmed in 2014 and released in July of 2015. Darin will have to tell you about him it's a long story, I know it's him. 5) wet towels per your blog. However, detectives found this series of events very difficult to believe, especially as the evidence suggested that the crime scene had been staged. Preposterous claims of this nature weren't even considered by Darlie's defense attorneys. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 10, 2018: Wow Jade, that is news. There's been a lot of controversy that I didn't do that, but I did do that. There has to be a black car, all bad guys wear black; and according to Darlie the supposed intruder had a black cap and a black t-shirt on, so it makes sense they would drive a black car. Neither Devon nor Damon's blood was found on any of the towels. This is the one piece of physical evidence that convicted her if nothing else did. It's difficult to accept that a mother could possibly do this to her children. Regarding Charles Stamford, I saw a "Dead Again" episode called "Innocence Lost" in which three investigators review the evidence from the crime scene and then explain it to him at the end of it. HOW could she have done this?. Currently "out". This is her sentencing and it can surely be argued she deserves such lethal punishment..I am of the belief that natural life in prison w/o the possibility of parole (especially because it is Darlie) would be a far worse price for her to pay. (she was only tried for his murder). I do, however, disagree with you on one thing. then she saw the man leaving the living room. The average cost to house a death row inmate in Texas is close to $1.8 million/year, (Source: Texas Department of Criminal Justice). His body was found near the wall almost directly in front of the bathroom. Know it 's difficult to accept that a mother could possibly do this her. 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darlie routier dna results 2021

darlie routier dna results 2021

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darlie routier dna results 2021