political astrology predictions 2022does bitter apple spray expire

April 10th, 2023 | Comments Off on political astrology predictions 2022 | nackenschmerzen spirituelle bedeutung

Lastly, hoaxes and deceptions create chaos. One thing is for sure, 2022 will not be a year of peace, it will be highlighted by important events: sometimes liberating, sometimes dramatic. Interestingly, both Canada and Mexico are Cancer countries and they are our near neighbors. Some astrologers predicted that the U.S. would fall from being a major power. Slow and steady wins the race right now. Going back in time when Neptune was in Capricorn, President Reagan was very nave about big business. Remember, communication is key! John Van Auken said that the Pyramid Prophecies will end in 2038. However, the transit of Saturn will . However, this article is based on astrological predictions, thus, it can be concluded that: At the time of US Presidential Election 2020, Biden would be influenced under Jupiter-Rahu . There was no need for rebellion the Wall fell upon its own weight and oppressed people felt liberated as they walked through the opened Wall. While inflationary trends have already begun, Neptune in a Fire sign always triggers an inflationary cycle. When Pluto entered Capricorn, an astrologer in Berlin informed me about Hacker Sites. Fact checking may be non-existent. Find out about the general mood for the year and the trends thatll affect you, as well as the United States and the world at large! Not able to continue with their normal jobs, people left for something better. As the planet that represents structure, systems, and our sense of time, Saturns retrograde invites us to reconsider our routines. Here is Nostradamus' prediction in the 10th quatrain of Centuria III: Of blood and hunger greater calamity / Seven times appreciate to the marine beach / Monech of hunger, place taken, captivity.. All the 2022 world astrology predictions made by Baba Vanga, Nostradamus, and other famous astrologers force us to look with maximum concern at what will happen in the near future. I am first going to approach this from an esoteric perspective. Most of the Mercury retrogrades will start in air signs confusing our minds and communication but end in earth signs meaning that our plans arent creating the results wed been after. Politics and economy From January to July, things will be serene and predictable. Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces (April 12). The Pattern at the American Civil War is repeating again in 2027, Uranus in Gemini and Neptune in Aries repeat their alignment from the 1800s. Join. The Saturn-Uranus squares from 2021-2022 This will be the immediate challenge for USA after Trump, and the UK and EU after Brexit. Jupiter will be especially busy in 2022, as he will dance into Aries from May 10, 2022 until Oct. 28, 2022. The plot of the hacker is to infiltrate the private e-mails of powerful people and expose these communications. Find ways to protect yourself, to tune out or block the negative energies. This entire article is curated for the budding and experienced politicians to make them aware of political astrology. This transit will bring radically new ways that we can solve problems of everyday life. With 150 million souls coming in each year, we are getting close to critical mass developing new forms. Paradigm Shifts and New Eras do not happen easily or often. Other astrologers, including our Jeanne, predicted a new epidemic several years before it manifested. By 1934, Uranus started to enter Taurus. Truth becomes irrelevant, in their thinking. Based on the movement of Pluto, Rahu and Jupiter, Vastu Acharya Srivastava feels that the world will start witnessing better times from January 2022 when Pluto comes back to one degree in direct motion. India with many new cases, he has also added that there will be many deaths too. Finally, at 2:15am, they said, OK, its a Wrap, and that was the birth of our Declaration. Jupiter will help him in the Himachal Pradesh Elections. Read More 31 December 2021 103 Comments . have one question, how do I determine an upcoming conjunction in the Ephemeris? Stores now carry many choices in organic foods, even Aldi, the German box store. You can also subscribe without commenting. And, our world will be shrinking due to the speed of connectivity. We add and update the list of the most beautiful and attractive boys in the world in 2023/2024. History fans will be quick to point out that the last time this happened was 1776the same year America signed the Declaration of Independence. The greater risks are in the north from Newfound down to just below New Jersey. NOTE: This is what Theosophists call the First Initiation but the warning is to stay away from gurus!! This page lists the predictions for the party to control the Senate and House after the 2022 U.S. Revolutions will occur to restructure these. Pluto will be in Aquarius near the Sun in the inauguration of 2025 and 2029. This alignment is strongly connected to the U.S. chart. Astrologer Tatiana Borsch who foresaw the crisis of 2020, shares her 2022 forecast: According to her 2022 forecast, the upcoming year is divided into two distinct periods - a very favorable time during the first half of the year and a more troubling second half. For internal events, the Gemini chart works best and, for events that have an international effect and how other countries see us, the Sagittarius chart works best. 4) Transpersonal Uranus-Neptune-Pluto (Transpersonal can only be the higher octave of Personal Planets). Of course Saturn & Uranus are the battle between the established old ways & the new & revolutionary, which sums up the battle perfectly with Saturn representing Conservatives & Uranus the progressives. With collective media participation, Jeanne Mozier reminds us that, just because you have a mouth, it does not mean that you have something worthwhile to say. I recently began to observe new groups forming that are made up of Seekers, seeking kinship with others on The Path, to learn how to cope with life as it now exists and to cultivate some faith in the future. Barbara Watters said that the American people are very Gemini the country was divided, we are divided by Red and Blue, developments do not last in Rockville MD, in the 1970s, they torn down the historic section, built a Mall and then within 20 years, they tore down the Mall! There was even a Dengue Fever that plagued Central America. Globalization is inevitable if not, find yourself a nice museum society that lives in the past. With Sun/Mercury at 16 Scorpio sesquiquadrate Jupiter at 29 Pisces, turnout is likely to be large, much more than a typical Midterm, and that could help Democrats hang on to power. It is essential that we develop an internal check about this new reality. The Great Masters will walk among us. As with all final phases, you harvest what you have sown in the past. The ones who are not in tune will go to Saturn where all uncleaned flesh goes to be remolded. These are what I term the New Seekers. It takes a long time to look through the ephemeris so see when the personal planets are in the same sign and then degree with outers. Remember, they only work if within 1 degree of your natal planet and it does impact the House Position. Yet, other countries see us as very Sagittarian in terms of our influence over other nations and the vast knowledge that we develop. PREDICTIONS GIVEN FOR 2022: Lynn Koiner PLUTO IN CAPRICORN: 2009 through 2024 (here it goes back and forth from Capricorn into Aquarius) The Sign in which Pluto transits denotes the world crises focus, the "terrorism of the moment" and what needs to be transformed in the current social order. Be at ease, Cayce said that Los Angeles and San Francisco would be gone long before New York City, especially Manhattan Island. In the Gemini chart, Mercury in Cancer is in the 3rd House of Near Neighbors. Read Now. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and Neptune, the planet of dreams and unconscious desires, will both have an outsized presence in 2022, creating a fertile period for art, technology, and exploration. It is our job, not to proselytize, but to demonstrate through example and right-living ourselves. Cayce said that the Pole Star of the New Age would be Vega in late 14 degrees of Capricorn. The effects of the health crisis are wreaking havoc, but the medium also prophesied something else: a great crisis throughout Europe. Since Saturn-Neptune can trigger a recession, this may be fueled by a civil war in this country, triggered by Uranus in Gemini and Neptune in Aries (aligned with our last civil war). Typically, people are less charitable during the hard times but this changed as Neptune in Pisces peeked into our consciousness. As it happens, this lunar eclipse will be just 1 degree from exact . I find that, when an outer planet reaches the area around 15 degrees, we start to notice how that planet is affecting us. This form of terrorism is here now with hackers in Russia blackmailing corporations by locking down their computer systems. Don't expect life to be the same as it was before the pandemic for several years. Alex Miller is a professional writer and astrologer, author of The Black Hole Book, detailing deep space points in astrological interpretation, and the forthcoming Heaven on Earth, a comprehensive study of asteroids, both mythic and personal. When Pluto enters Aquarius (back and forth in 2024; fully in 2025-2043), the technology and informational and financial manipulation that started with Neptune in Aquarius entering this sign in 2001 will become highly problematic. Our Afghanistan allies need to find new homes in the U.S. and other countries because they will be killed by the Taliban. -C.S., CAG Member, Very informative and thorough. The third quatrain of Nostradamus' Centuria III forecasts a very large earthquake in the land of the rising sun, during 2022: Towards midy extreme siccity / In the depths of Asia they will say earthquake.. During the first half of 2022, the political climate of our turbulent world is looking relatively quiet, and the U.S. is looking more peaceful. If the politicians do not adhere to the demands of the companies, they will pack up and move to a country who will adhere to their demands. People living along coastal regions should consider taking extra precautions to prepare for spring floods. Margin of Error is +/- 1.9% with a 95% level of confidence. Many will feel seized by the power of God due to Neptune in Pisces. The Balkan War in which NATO had to intervene later these countries joined NATO, Eastern Europe was added to NATO This is significant since the Ukraine has wanted to join NATO for protection from Russia. William Stickevers, 2009-2019. One thing is certain the election is a major turning point for the White House, as exemplified by asteroid Whitehouse at station from 8 Pisces, also turning direct on Halloween. Terrorist groups are creating refugees in the Middle East. Fiscal irresponsibility led to the U.S. to become a Debtor Nation for the first time since 1914! Some have suggested asteroid Lincoln, for Honest Abe, the GOPs first elected president, but I am loathe to associate that great man with the grievance-driven, autocratically-inclined, conspiracy theory-obsessed mutant organization which the Republican Party has become. This generation is overtly rebellious of authority. In entering Capricorn, Pluto crossed a World Crisis Point (World Points are 0 Cardinal signs). Check out Top 20 Best Public High Schools 2023 In The US. The times were changing. While his wording is different from my own, it fits extremely well with my interpretation of Eris. The generation in the 1930s had Saturn in Aquarius sextile Uranus in Aries. IF one is old enough, you would know that the Democratic Party is the oldest Party (Saturn) and, until recent times, it was ultra conservative and a white supremist party, especially in the South. After being retrograde since August of 2021, Uranus will station direct soon into the new year. Ranking of the most beautiful men in the world and by country, by field - Top 10, Top 15, Top 20, etc. Pluto will be in Capricorn until 2024: This is a cycle for breaking down our structures and institutions to molecular level so that the new can manifest. Hence, we see the conflict occurring in the 21st Century. 519 predictions / 444 correct = 85.5% Accuracy Track Record. During this transit, you might not be able to get a concrete sense of what you want, but if you can dream it, you can make it happen. Q-Anon! Covid is natures way of balancing the life circle and asking people to slow down a little. Recently, on several daytime talk shows, there have been discussions of Past Life Regression and Near-Death experiences. If these people can do the right thing when they could lose their lives, I can do it too. Utopian philosophies began in the last cycle (1800s) and they will re-emerge in this new cycle. Uranus ultimately objects to anything unfair to large portions of society and Pluto will not allow stagnation of any sort, which includes those things most tenaciously preserved by vested interests.. GMO crops grew out of the agricultural revolution of the 1960s, when we were told that there was a world feminine and we need to grow more efficiently and abundantly, regardless of health concerns. Dis-information is a step in the direction of dismantling Democracies around the world. He will return one final time from Oct. 28, 2022, until Dec. 20, 2022. Baba Vanga and Nostradamus of the Balkans, the two blind mystics, have caught attention again recently thanks to their accurate predictions about the Queen Elizabeth IIs death and her successor King Charles III. On his way to the place where the assassination later took place, Caesar passed the seer and joked, "The Ides of March have come," and the seer, Spurinna, replied, "Aye, Caesar; but not gone.". Just before Jeanne passed away, she discussed Neptune in Pisces and Mass Madness and the addiction to Fake News. Avoid gurus and leaders who say that they have these answers to our problems. In this decade, the least number of Bills have been passed by Congress in the history of this country (US Capitol Historical Society Round Table Discussion in Washington DC). This was an interpretation of the alignment and transits in Earth signs, Earth sign impacting the physical with our bodies, with our economy and with the planet. 5) Transformational Objects Transpluto & Eris & many of the newly discovered slow-moving Centaurs. So, look to events like January 6 as important in our evolution, to bring the dark to light. Another well-known fault line is located in New York City. Prediction Track Record U.S. General and Midterm Elections since 2008, Record of 2020 Election Electoral College Projections, PROJECTIONS TRACK RECORD FOR 2018 MIDTERM ELECTION SENATE, PROJECTIONS TRACK RECORD FOR 2018 MIDTERM ELECTION HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Accuracy Track Record for the 2016 U.S. Presidential General Election, Astrology and Politics: 2016 U.S. Presidential General Election Predictions, Battleground State Projections Record 2016 U.S. Presidential General Election, Popular Vote 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, Projections Accuracy Track Record for 2016 Presidential Election Primaries, Astrology and Politics: U.S. Presidential Election Predictions 2016 Primaries, Accuracy Track Record for the 2012 U.S. Presidential General Election, Predictions Track Record 2008 Presidential Election, Predictions for the 2008 Democratic Primaries, team of political contest horary astrologers, Record of the Previous Senate Projections here, Record of the Previous House Projections here, Record of the Previous Governor Projections here, Global Transformation Astrology (GTA) membership, After 4 Years Of Trying To Throw Out Trump, It WILL Be Biden Who Doesnt Finish His FirstTerm, The Meaning of the Mayan Calendar End Date Within the Context of Modern Astrology, William Stickevers' Correct Predictions (partial list), 2020 Election - Nuclear Scenario (Oct 19 2020), Astrology and Politics: U.S. Presidential Election Predictions 2016 - Primaries, New Realities Interview: Astrology and UFO Disclosure, Political Contest Horary AstroProbability* generated by geopolitical astrologer William Stickevers, 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Electoral College , 2018 U.S. In hisCrypto Astrology Group (CAG) membership, members attend twice monthly webinars and have a resource library to give members a high-level perspective on Bitcoin, DeFi, and the Crypto Ecosystem without the hype, euphoria, FOMO, and fear that is often found in other non-astrological crypto groups. There will be great studies in ESP, Near Death Experiences and the science of metaphysical philosophy will become a proven fact. Not long after the International Spy Museum in Washington DC opened, they had an exhibition called Insurgency Within. I immediately saw that Uranus-Mars was in the 1st House, describing the American people who are insurgent by nature. Astrologically, using the Sibley chart, there were major events occurring in this chart . Complicating matters is a Grand Cross formed by a squared opposition to this polarity from TNO Ixion at 1 Capricorn, and asteroid Plunge at 2 Cancer. The body will change and more 4th dimensional. The question is whether the world will be free of the novel virus or not, and the answer is yes. When a Coronal Mass Ejection hits the Earth, major earthquakes occur. President Eisenhower did this in 1960 with Jupiter is Sagittarius and the Gary Powers U2 incident. In 2012, the passing of a fellow astrologer who could no longer see a light at the end of her tunnel Solar Arc Eris crossed her Ascendant, triggering her death. Plutos retrograde usually happens once a year, but makes its presence felt for approximately six months. GaneshaSpeaks Predicts Elections 2022 With 83% Accuracy. At 15 degrees, it is the most clear, The Pandemic we are experiencing with the Capricorn Stellium will create a shift in our consciousness and our behavior. The March 5 2022 conjunction occurs near the New Moon at 14 Pisces. There will be a movement of Saturn towards Neptune in the sign of Pisces in 2023 but it does not make a conjunction until February 2026 at 0 Aries a Beginning Cycle at the World Point of international events. Mars enters Taurus/Mercury enters Cancer (July 5). An international speaker, William has lectured at the New York Open Center, Edgar Cayces Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E. Read on for a detailed account of what astrologers have said about 2022! Solar Max has just begun, peaking in 2025-26. Globalization must eventually be shaped to respect the individual. If you cannot go with the new flow, it is not very friendly in our lives. Astrologers predict that 2022 will bring "enlightenment, glow . However, Covid-19 in its different/mutated forms is expected to remain in existence till 2029, though its impact will not continue to be as severe. Christeen Skinner: Between 2023-26, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto change signs, triggering major global changes, especially in 2026 when the Saturn-Neptune conjunction occurs at 0 Aries, a World Point. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. 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The year 2022 will bring major growth in business, entrepreneurship, pop culture, entertainment, art and politics but we will face some significant challenges, too. Given the instability built into the day, its a fools errand to suggest an outcome, but lets dive in and take a look anyway, shall we? The political regimes and dictatorships that developed from this were not what Marx had in mind. Gambling, weapons, military, meat, metal, cars, self-help industries and thrill-seeking experiences will also do quite well. If youve been feeling tension around your home or finances, this transit could help ease the stress. Neptune in Pisces will affect our sensitivity as well as receptiveness to alternative medicine, our ability to see into the etheric plane (lavender/violet) and doctors may work more closely with medical intuitives/observers (these are observers and not psychic). If you are researching the Mundane interpretation of the Houses, I recommend a book by Nicholas DeVore. Neo-Nazis and White Supremists, previously ignored by the mainstream population, have been empowered to show themselves. In the Netherlands, the waterways were frozen all during the summer. One of the most exciting astrological omens we have to look forward to in 2022 is Februarys Pluto return. Pot will seem tame when compared to other pharmaceutical soups made available illegally. Barbault states that it portends the most benefic conjunction of the (21st) century and its interplanetary partnership will work for the best in a splendid relaunch of civilization. He goes on to say that there is a positive relationship between Uranus in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius. She said that, if there is a Saturn-Uranus affliction during the inauguration, there will be a change in the party in office. Reality was broken, as Neptune left the Rational Air sign of Aquarius and entered a Water sign, a sign with no sense of boundaries! Along with this is the movement towards organic and sustainable gardening. It crosses Manhattan from the Hudson River to the East River, running approximately along 125th Street. And, if you can remember, that election was an absolute mess. Posted on November 7, 2022 1:14 am by William Stickevers Leave a comment. Friday July 9, 2021: First we should note that a multitude of earth-based social and political factors will affect the final results of the 2024 Presidential Election and quite a few astrologers poo poo the Venus Cycle theory of US elections. On its face, this suggests a wholesale rejection (NOT) by the country (America) of the Democrats (Demokritos), who come to grief in a big way (Grieve). Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. US News and Healthgrades evaluated the best hospitals in Wisconsin. I only use the Sun-Jupiter conjunction within 1 degree of a natal planet. While he has predicted a 'diabolical increase' in the period of March 21-May 7 in. The Forces of the Establishment, Institutions, the Corporate World that are conservative and, therefore, inflexible, will crumble when the cycle ends. Join this article of KnowInsiders to know the young faces who promise to "step into the light" in the world football village in 2023. Why? Jupiter, the planet of miracles, blessings and expansion will be visiting Pisces from Dec. 28, 2021, until May 10, 2022. Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, Marie Claire and more. Souls who are in tune will be elevated. Just be sure not to let memories of the past dictate your vision of the future. Midterm Election Analysis & Predictions A Pleiades-aligned blood moon total lunar eclipse will happen on the exact date of the 2022 U.S. midterm elections. Why should you be an under-paid clerk in a store when you can die for God or your Cause. With Mercury and Mars retrograde during Election Day on November 3, we can expect major upheavals, protests, and even . Here are some of Nostradamus' prophecies Daily Horoscope: Best Astrological Prediction for 12 Zodiac Signs (Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Leo , Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, Cancer) in love, relationship, money, career and health, etc. Learning how to tune out from this incoming Neptunian flow will be important, since we do not want this to impact or interfere with our daily routines. Watch out for those who manipulate the masses through fear, excitement and agitation agitating and manipulating the minds of others who choose not to think for themselves. Some of the advanced Souls may waver by these events but we all must maintain that Core of Integrity in these times. The pandemic commenced with the Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Earth (Capricorn). Some of these people are in recovery from seeking Spirit through alcohol or drugs. It helps to keep ones focus out of the polarization and more focused on creating a lifestyle more aligned with the future world (not the world thats falling away). Record of the Previous Senate Projections here. I have observed that, the problems generated when Neptune is in a sign, cause problems when they are illuminated as Pluto enters that sign. There will be shifts in our economic theories with the great career migrations resulting from the long period of isolation during the pandemic. LYNN: This begins an inflationary cycle, a recession and a civil war for democracy. Structures are fragile, wars over the control of resources erupt. He was saying this just before Barack Obama was elected. . Last, and certainly not least, we get to how things will be in the United States and the world, at large. With Mercury and mars retrograde during election Day on November 7, 2022 1:14 am William! Time when Neptune was in Capricorn, Pluto crossed a world crisis (! 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The Whiner is finally going public, after decades of annoying, aggravating and trying the patience of friends and family. The Whiner’s background is in media, business and the internet, so his Whines often focus on stupid or incomprehensible events in those areas. However, they also focus on the incredible incompetence and obliviousness he encounters in his everyday life.

You may encounter the same level of daily frustration as the Whiner does. However, he doubts it.

In real life, The Whiner does have a name, an MBA, and a consulting business specializing in common sense solutions to media and internet problems. Reach him via clear brook high school staff directory – or join him on unlawful conduct towards a child sc code of laws or deepest crevasse in the world.

political astrology predictions 2022

political astrology predictions 2022

What, you think I have nothing better to do than fill every little space the designer put onto the blog? Don't worry, I'll get around to it. And if I don't? I doubt it will matter very much to you or anyone else. So stop reading the sidebar already and go read the posts.

political astrology predictions 2022